Friday, January 8, 2010


Well I did it. I finally created a blog! This blog is my little spot where I will share with you different posts on style, trends, makeup, hair, skin care, shoes, great shopping finds and maybe a few other random things. Having been in Esthetics school since the tail end of 2009 I have really discovered what I enjoy doing the most and being able to learn how to do that for a living.. (eventually). I first grew a passion for Makeup via You Tube, I would check out some makeup tutorials on various channels and then try and remaster them at home. I have picked up on the techniques and now am a makeup addict. I am pretty much your average shoe lovin, shopaholic girl. Hope you can benefit from some tips and tricks that I will be sharing with you in posts to come.

See ya next time


Here is a pic of an eye makeup look I did a while back that was inspired by a picture of the beloved Audrey Hepburn.


  1. This is pretty, I love how the sparkles don't over power her. It's beautiful.

  2. Thank you :) I had fun trying to re-create it but no one can out do Audrey
